He was NOT thrilled to put on his Frankenstein costume, despite my efforts to find a minimally invasive costume. I knew he wouldn't wear a mask or anything like that, so when I found this Frankenstein costume was nothing more than a lightweight felt top and bottoms, I thought he wouldn't notice. WRONG! I think we have the most particular 2-year-old there is! But, with some Kit Kat bribery and distractions, we got him suited up and headed out.
The first couple houses, he tried to push pass the people and walk IN! hahaha! The next couple houses, he wanted to stand on their porch and eat the candy they gave him right then and there. By about the sixth or seventh house, he was getting the hang of it and even shouting "THANK YOU!" to the candy givers. He enjoyed trying some new sugary treats but his favorites remain Kit Kats and Hershey Bars. He was on a serious sugar high last night, but after some intense hockey playing, he crashed into his crib without incident.
Come Thursday, the boys and I will hang here and pass out the glowsticks I bought. I hope the neighborhood kids don't think we're lame for not buying candy this year and enjoy the glowsticks! I guess we'll see if our house or cars get egged or not...
First House:
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