Luke has been in our family for one week now. He's been such a great little baby. He's a good eater and sleeper so far, knock on wood! He seems to be bigger than JP was at this age - the newborn sized clothes won't fit for much longer. Grandma and Pap Pap are here helping us out, which has been especially beneficial for JP. He's getting lots of attention, so Jason and I can focus a little more on Luke. Overall, JP is adjusting well, although the terrible two's are certainly among us. He checks in on the baby every once in a while to give him a hug or hold his hands. Then, back to playing he goes. It's been a good week :)
Luke relaxing in the playpen

Luke :)

JP and Pap Pap reading a story

"These are mine!"

JP and his buddy, Eliza, who visited us this week from Washington :)

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