I'm 23 weeks pregnant today with baby Loscalzo #2. It's a boy! We are having a very hard time coming up with/agreeing on a name. We may just settle on Jason Palmer #2. LOL! I've been feeling good, and I'm a lot hungrier than my first pregnancy...that may not be a good thing :o.
JP is doing great. He's 21-months-old now and definitely approaching the terrible 2's. He's quite a dramatic little man, working to perfect the throw-yourself-on-the-floor-screaming-for-no-reason skill. It's hard not to laugh at his antics, although when we do laugh, he normally joins us and forgets about his conniption.
He has been working with Early Intervention for a little over a month now, and he is beginning to talk a little more. He says "mama" and "dada" often and in the correct context, BUT he is a sign language machine! He knows at least 20 signs, and we've been having to research new ones to keep up with him. He wants to know signs for everything, he answers your questions with signs and he signs in sentences, too. It's really amazing. We have some Baby Sign DVDs to watch as soon as Jason hooks up the new DVD player...the old DVD player mysteriously stopped working when JP became mobile????
We spent the holidays in Boston, Wheeling and San Francisco, and despite the stomach flu in WV, the travels were mostly smooth. Here are some pictures to catch up on the past few weeks:
Christmas morning in MA:
Cousins in WV:
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