Thursday, August 26, 2010


So, JP's 10th (? I've lost count ?) haircut didn't go as planned. I received clear instructions from my cousin, who is a stylist, on how to use clippers. The first nine cuts, I used scissors, but JP is a little too active nowadays to use only scissors. I'm afraid I'll cut an ear off!

Well, all was going well and I intended to use the #7 on the top of his head, and well, he threw the #7 under the bathroom cabinets, and I didn't realize it. So, I reached down and picked up WHAT I THOUGHT was the #7 and buzzed him. was #4!!!

I didn't want it all one length, so I used the #1 and #2 to taper around the edges. He's so blonde, it's hard to get a good picture, but I think I made it look decent. He definitely looks like a strength coach's son now...all he's missing is the goatee :)

1 comment:

  1. At least he is cuter than most of the strength coaches i know :)
